Thriving Beyond Trauma


12-week Foundational Course + Q&A Call Recordings

Have you tried everything to heal past trauma - and wonder why you still feel stuck and react so strongly to certain triggers?

Are you tired of feeling alone and uncertain in this uphill struggle?

Perhaps you sense that the weight of emotional or ancestral "baggage" is hindering your ability to Thrive in the life you're truly called to live... and you're tired of carrying the burdens of the past!

You're truly ready to feel radiantly healthy & emotionally FREE to create the thriving life and relationships you want - NOW, in this powerful opportunity for womxn to step more fully into our power and embody the changes we wish to see in the world!

Trauma-related patterns may show up in many ways, whether in physical pain or mysterious health symptoms, gynecological or sexual issues, exhaustion, chronic fatigue, fear of intimacy and/or repeated dysfunctional romantic relationships, anxiety, depression, insomnia, mood disorders, challenges with money, "hypersensitivity," constant feelings of internal conflict, prejudices or triggers that don't make logical sense -- or some combination of those, and more.

If you don't recall a particular trauma or major emotional challenge from your own lifetime, but still feel burdened by these issues, or trapped in inner conflict, there may be inherited traumas from ancestors to address as well. Especially for women, People of Color, and any other marginalized population that has had to contend with the ongoing stress of systemic discrimination, which often leads to trauma response patterns.

Unfortunately, the typical solutions to each of these challenges, while sometimes temporarily helpful, still don't address how painful experiences (including daily exposure to systemic racism and/or misogyny) and their subsequent patterns have been stored in the body -- nor do they offer a clear, efficient framework for transforming them, much less for moving beyond them into truly thriving, such that we can co-create a more connected, peaceful, empowering world.

Luckily, here's some good news...

You don't have to stay stuck in those patterns!

I've developed a map to help YOU move out of old trauma patterns and into your full, authentic vitality, so you can truly Thrive in your health, relationships, and life purpose -- with compassionate support, co-creative community, and clear tools to use every step of the way!

Are you ready to access your Innate Wisdom, so you can embody your own natural power more deeply, consciously, and lovingly?

If you would LOVE some support in that process, this course is for You!

The material and practices covered in this course are designed to give you the life-changing skills, information, practical tools, and compassionate, on-going community of support that you need to cultivate the thriving, loving, mutually nourishing relationships you want to have -- with your own body-mind-spirit, with your loved ones, with your larger community, and with your true calling in the world! 

Register today!

Not sure? Let's start where you are...

Do any of these sound like you?

~ Do you have a hard time saying "No" and setting clear boundaries, and instead tend to prioritize taking care of others' needs at the expense of your own?

~ Have you experienced one disappointing relationship after another -- and still crave deep connection?

~ Are you easily overwhelmed, or have you often been told you're "hypersensitive" or you "over-react" to seemingly small things in daily life?

~ Do you feel stuck in wanting to grow your business or career in ways that feel deeply nourishing to you and bring your true gifts to the world -- but don't know what's holding you back from actualizing your full creative potential?

~ If you’re a mom, were you shocked by how hard birth, breastfeeding, and/or parenting have been for you? Are you secretly worried that you’re passing on your old trauma-patterns to your kids, even though you’ve done so much of your own healing work already -- and you’re doing the very best you can?

~ Or, if you want to get pregnant (again or for the first time), are you afraid of what birth and parenting might bring up for you? Do you want to clear lingering old patterns before conceiving, so you can have the best possible pregnancy, birth, and gentle transition into the next phase of family life?

~ Are you afraid of deep intimacy, or of living fully into your own true potential, such that you feel held back from creating the life, relationships, or impact you want?

~ Have you been in therapy for years and feel like you’ve done so much healing work, but you still haven’t moved through deep-seated feelings of shame, guilt, anger, resentment, grief, not being good enough, or not feeling worthy to receive love or abundance?

Do you feel like no matter what you do, you'll never overcome your past trauma?


If any of those sound like you, I'm sending deep, gentle hugs and courage to you!

It's a tender place to be.

I've been there too -- it was exhausting and frustrating, and zapped so much of my energy away from what I truly wanted to be doing, feeling, offering, Being, and experiencing in my life!

And, I discovered that none of those are the real problem, they're just symptoms of the deeper root.

So what's the real issue??

The real issue is that trauma patterns take us out of our bodies -- and out of our own true power.

Our spirit dissociates and doesn’t feel safe being in a body that can have such painful experiences. That lack of full Presence within ourselves makes it much more challenging to shift old patterns held in the body and psyche -- and also makes it much more likely to continue to play out those old patterns again and again, such that old systems and tendencies get perpetuated.

So, how do we address that?

The most deeply effective way to transform trauma stored at the cellular level (which is where we need to overcome all these patterns), involves coming back into our Sacred Embodiment, resting in our Beingness, Loving all that we are, fully inhabiting our true Power Within, and inviting the sovereignty of our Spirit to reclaim our bodies as the potent vessels of transformation and creative energy that they are!

Yes, but... How do we do that?

I have found Daoist Sacred Embodiment Practices to be some of the most powerful tools available for transforming trauma and cultivating radiant vitality. In the video below, I briefly describe some of the challenges of overcoming trauma, why we use the physical and energetic practices and meditations that I teach in the 12-week course, and why it's so important to learn how to actively embody our own power, to be able to Thrive Beyond Trauma.


Have questions? Book a Free call with Jem!

Schedule a Free Phone Consultation! DISMISS MESSAGE

"Loving the Wands of Light [womb-clearing meditation in Week 1] each time I do it. Seriously, I’ve already received value well worth the price I paid for this whole course!! Feeling grateful."

Thriving Beyond Trauma Student, October 2019

"My main motivation for wanting to do this course was to heal some stuff that was triggered by my kids -- in other words, not to be such a b**** to my kids. I'm so gratefully amazed how my relationship with them has changed this last month (I am also praying I'm not tempting fate!). But these practices got me exercising more as I felt stronger in my body, eating better, and for now, many of the strong emotions I was experiencing are much less, allowing me to finally act as the mother I know I am meant to be. Thank you, Jem, from all my heart. I feel like parenting courses etc are so important, but without this deep work, it's never really going to be effective. So yes to all parents doing this!"

Thriving Beyond Trauma Student, December 2019

"If you’re ready to go to a completely new level of self-love and self-knowledge, within a sacred sister circle, then Jem’s Jade Egg class is for you. Talk about breakthrough!"

Sacred Embodiment Student
Fall 2018

Are you living in your authentic power?

Even if you don't identify with a particular "trauma" that changed your life, many women are impacted by cultural expectations or inherited ancestral trauma, in such a way that they step out of their true, embodied power -- and have many similar struggles in self-actualizing the lives they're born to lead!

Thriving Beyond Trauma: Foundations of Sacred Feminine Embodiment

A 12-Week Introductory Course

This 12-week Foundational Course provides the groundwork of Daoist Sacred Embodiment Practices, so you can clear old trauma-related patterns, heal your nervous system, and cultivate the radiant vitality you want, to be able to live your life to the fullest!

This course is designed to help you embody your own natural power and innate wisdom more deeply, consciously, and lovingly.

Our recorded group video calls and the entire online course are available to you for LIFETIME ACCESS, to support your integration of the material.

These time-tested, embodied spiritual skills will help you create new neural networks & positive energetic pathways in yourself, so you can respond to all that arises in life with greater ease, grace, empowered self-awareness, compassion, and emotional freedom!

This course addresses issues ranging from female hormonal imbalances to clearing trauma from sexual abuse and inherited patterns of disharmony, whether related to our personal ancestral lineage or to marginalization by the larger culture. We explore the emotional and spiritual energetics that contribute to physical dis-ease and nervous system stress responses, through experiential Daoist practices, including:

~ Guided Meditations, Visualizations, Healing Sounds & Breathwork

~ Qi Gong & Creative Movement to nourish Sacred Embodiment, Sexual Vitality & Emotional Transformation 

~ Writing Exercises to tune into embodied responses & cultivate conscious listening to Inner Wisdom

~ Microcosmic Orbit Qi Gong & Meditation Practice

~ Abdominal & Breast Self-Massage with Heart-Opening Practices

~ Jade Egg Yoni (Vaginal) Exercises, using either a physical or energetic jade or crystal egg

(NOTE: some students choose not to participate in the Jade Egg parts of the course, and still get SO MUCH benefit from all the other practices we do! Don't let this aspect scare you away! :)

The online version of this course offers a combination of 12 pre-recorded class modules and recorded Q&A calls (beginning with a group meditation practice), and includes downloadable video, audio, and PDF guides for practices to serve you for a lifetime!

(Bonus: Kajabi now has a mobile app that makes all the content even easier to access!)

All techniques are taught fully clothed, honoring your own comfort level, and can be tailored easily to suit all ages and abilities. Our online forum (within the course site) is a safe, sacred, confidential, compassionate, BBIPOC- & LGBTQ-inclusive community.

*Please note that most of the jade egg exercises are NOT considered suitable during pregnancy -- although they're excellent in the pre-conception and postpartum phases, as well as in healing from pregnancy loss. And, they are NOT a mandatory part of this course to get immense benefit from all the other teachings and practices shared!

*Please note that all of these practices can be utilized and found to be deeply healing, even if you no longer have a uterus, ovaries, and/or breasts! We'll be working with energetic and emotional patterns as much as with the physical.

Add-on options for private coaching and healing sessions with Jem are also available, and are highly recommended for severe trauma and/or for chronic or severe physical symptoms, so we can work more closely together to personalize your cultivation practice (and, if appropriate, to utilize other healing modalities) to support your deepest well-being.

"I loved this [in-person Jade Egg] Course!!! I looked forward to our weekly class with curious enthusiasm; like an exciting secret date with myself! Jem's kind and steady guidance created a safe container that encouraged me to delve deep. I was very impressed with her graceful way in offering plenty of theory, balanced with really experiencing the practice in class. And although some of the energies that came up for me were not all pleasant, the course was very supportive throughout my journey. It was incredible to explore this level of intimacy with myself in a small group of women! There was no question that could not be asked and was met with such patient compassion from Jem with insightful, as well as practical guidance. Jem can really meet you where you are and will likely encourage you to smile to your body! :) Thank you, Jem!"

Sarah Anne Amason, Sacred Embodiment Student
Spring 2019 Course

Daoist Sacred Embodiment & Sensual Cultivation Practices offer a powerful, simple set of tools to:

❣️ Deepen embodied awareness of the nervous system, so it can heal and our stress responses can become more conscious rather than reactive

❣️ Clear stagnant, unresolved emotions, trauma & ancestral issues held in the body & womb

❣️ Cleanse residual negativity from adverse physical, sexual, or emotional experiences

❣️ Revitalize your Life Force Energy, so you can have the vitality you need to nourish your relationships and bring your true gifts to the world

❣️ Support female hormone balance and overall health (at any stage of life!) 

❣️ Reduce painful periods, breast tenderness & menopausal complaints

❣️ Strengthen the pelvic floor to reduce the likelihood of incontinence or prolapse 

❣️ Increase sexual pleasure by promoting appropriate fluid production & sexual internal awareness

❣️ Improve loving energy flow between the Heart and Sexual Center

❣️ Connect with & express your innate, creative, authentic Essence

❣️ Cultivate self-love, sensual vitality & healthy body confidence

❣️ Listen deeply to your body’s innate wisdom and connection to Source 

❣️ Feel emotional freedom in how you respond to the world

❣️ Reclaim the true power of your sacred embodiment

Want to connect by phone to learn more about the course or about scholarship opportunities?

This is vulnerable, powerful work, and I'd love to connect by phone or Zoom call to answer any questions you may have!

What you get in this course

❣️12 Modules of video classes, covering Qi Gong movement practices, essential Daoist theory, relevant Chinese medical physiology & emotional energetics, and embodied trauma theory -- all to help you learn to tap into & move your own energy more skillfully and compassionately!

❣️Downloadable audio meditations and video recordings of Qi Gong, self-massage, and Sexual Cultivation practices, for specific trauma-healing, increased energy, & cultivating deeper internal awareness to improve physical & emotional health, including: 

Spontaneous Qi Gong for moving emotional energy immediately

Healing Tao 5 Animals Qigong Form with Healing Sounds for transforming emotions

Kidney Breathing grounding & nourishing practice to recharge your Source Energy

Deep Earth Pulsing Qigong for grounding and transforming energies that tend to rise upward (such as anxiety & overthinking), while also balancing the left & right sides

Micro- & Macrocosmic Orbit Qi Gong to activate the internal orbit meditation practice

Qigong to open to your Infinite Essence & to reactivate creative, playful, curious self-exploration

Ocean Breathing, Bone Breathing, Bone Beating, Counterforce Breathing & Belt Channel Breathing Qigong forms -- to strengthen your qi field and feel more rooted in your embodied power

Breathwork to open specific channels & areas of the body, to reconnect with Source Energy

Exercises to engage with Discomfort & invite transformation from a place of Power Within -- because only by "getting better at feeling" can we truly begin to "feel better"!

Exercises to transform limiting beliefs and create new beliefs rooted in your Power Center

Resting in Worthiness & Empowering Radiance meditations & embodied practices

Swimming Dragon qigong form for sensual vitality & metabolic balance

Breast Self-Massage to open the Heart & clear emotions held in the chest

Abdominal Self-Massage to open the Wind Gates, connect with Source Energy, clear emotions held in the belly, and reconnect the Heart & Womb

Jade Egg Meditations & Womb-Healing Exercises to clear emotions, ancestral baggage, and trauma-patterns held in the sexual center 

❣️Lifetime membership to join our monthly video Q&A coaching calls (all with replays) -- so YOUR personal questions about these practices get answered!

❣️PDF handouts for the practices covered 

❣️Weekly Journal Prompts to guide your writing practice to come to inner clarity

❣️Intention setting guides & practices for corresponding Moon Phases and Menstrual Phases

❣️Priority scheduling for one-on-one coaching and healing sessions with Jem (in-person or via Zoom video call)

❣️Priority and discounted registration for upcoming in-person workshops and retreats

❣️Lifetime unlimited access to all of this material, to return to as often as needed!

Healing the trauma held in ALL our bodies is vital for creating lasting change in the world, especially at this pivotal time of global transformation.

"Jem is the ultimate healer. She combines a profound wisdom of this ancient way of looking at the Whole Being with a deeply intuitive and well-rounded understanding of her clients. Healing has never felt so encouraging, empowering, and co-creative, as it does with Jem and Nourishing Alchemy. Besides all of this, it is wildly evident that Jem lives her alchemy. This makes who she is as a practitioner not only relatable, it evokes tremendous trust in the process."

Becky Boisvert, Asheville NC
Private Client since 2017

Want to know more about these practices?

Wondering if they're right for you? Learn more below about clearing long-held trauma and cultivating radiant vitality with Daoist Sacred Embodiment Practices!

Basic Grounding Exercises

We begin with fundamental grounding, circulating, and emotional clearing practices. Once we have the foundation of being able to do the Microcosmic Orbit, the Healing Sounds, and the Fundamental qi rooting and breathing practices, then we can begin the Sexual Energy Work -- first with a profound Womb-Clearing Meditation. We don't just dive into Sexual Energy Work without sufficient grounding, because sexual energy will amplify whatever is already there. We need to respect its power, and work on clearing emotional trauma and energetic baggage first -- as well as to create a solid foundation to which to return from the heights of ecstasy!

Healthy sexuality, just like health in the rest of our lives, requires a balance of yin and yang, and some degree of comfort with the inter-transformation of feminine and masculine energies within ourselves, in our lives, with our partners, and in the world.

Breast Self-Massage

Breast self-massage is an integral part of sexual energy cultivation. If you just dive into the Jade Egg practices for the Yoni (vagina) without breast massage and Heart awakening first, the results may not be what you desired -- because if the Heart is closed, the yoni is closed. First, we open the Heart and move energy in the breasts, to be able to re-establish and strengthen the

Heart-Womb Connection.

Not just once.

Every. Single. Time.

Sometimes there's discomfort or frustration with this important step -- which just serves as an invitation to reflect on the underlying beliefs, assumptions, feelings, or stories we may have about sexual energy, heart energy, self-love, foreplay, and cultural agendas and expectations! 

Jade Egg Womb Work

Jade Egg exercises help to physically move any energy stuck in the pelvis, and help us spiritually reclaim the Inner Womb Space, which is the core power of the embodied divine feminine -- whether or not you still have a physical uterus!

By combining physical exercises with Daoist meditation practices, the sexual energy stimulated by the Jade Egg can be transformed into higher spiritual energy in the Core Channel (Chong Mai) of the body, as well as used to open the frontal Yin (Ren) and spinal Yang (Du) channels with the Microcosmic Orbit practice.

By using the 6 Healing Sounds and Inner Smile, these energies can then be further guided to clear and revitalize the qi of the primary channels, and to bring the organs, hormone-regulating glands, and meridians into greater harmony.

The Inner Transformation


In the Daoist practices, we learn to take in all sorts of energies and transform them. Any external substance, experience, or internal emotion can be transformed with the appropriate cultivation, clear intention, and skill. "Gong" translates as "skill" -- the practices of Qi Gong, meditation, and internal Alchemy (Nei Gong, or Inner Skill) all deepen our awareness of our inner world, so that we can become more skillful at transforming what we find there. With this work, we learn to tap into the painful places, so that instead of that energy holding back our creative life force and maintaining dysfunctional patterns, we learn new ways to let it transform what’s stuck and painful, so that it can actually give us more energy -- we can be fully in our power and our strength.

Learn More about Empowering Trauma Transformation

Would you like more personalized support while doing this vulnerable healing work?

Individualized sessions allow us to go much deeper into understanding how your trauma history and/or ancestral baggage may have contributed to any current patterns or life situations that are keeping you from Thriving Now. Together, we can find and take action on the best next steps to support you on the path to living your fullest potential! Private sessions are highly recommended for anyone wanting to address severe trauma and/or chronic, significant physical symptoms.

Welcome! I'm glad you're here! I'm Jem Minor, and I'm a licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Alchemical Life Strategist, Feminine Power Facilitator (pending final certification), Healing Tao Instructor of Internal Alchemy Meditation & Qi Gong -- and the mother of one very loving, exuberant son! 

I have successfully used Chinese Medicine, Daoist Alchemy, sacred sensual cultivation, dance, qi gong, and somatic practices to renegotiate my relationship with the various traumas stored in my body (from long-term early sexual abuse, rape, pregnancy loss, childbirth, and intergenerational trauma), to live a healthy, radiant, fulfilled life, comfortable in my Wholeness. I am passionate about sharing these practices with women (like You!) who are ready to empower themselves in their own healing, in a culture ripe for change.

My vision is to co-create a world in which all people have the support we need to transform sexual and ancestral trauma, so we can live in the radiant Wholeness of our sacred embodiment, and bring our unique gifts to the world, empowered by Love from Within. Because when we deeply love, listen to, and care for ourselves, fulfilling our mission and purpose in the world becomes sustainable, and empowers others to live in alignment with their Hearts, Minds, and Essences, too. The more sustainably well-nourished our individual lives become, the easier it is to co-create families and communities in which we all can thrive with freedom, safety, and mutual respect!

I am committed to eradicating the stigma and shame of sexual trauma, and to walking the path of healing, spiritual awakening, and self-actualization with women who are ready to reclaim their full vitality, activate their Essence, and live in their empowered, authentic Wholeness.

Want to know more about how my experiences and education have brought me to offer these courses? Read more here! Curious about my feminist Daoist perspective on sexual energy cultivation? Learn more here!

Book a FREE phone consultation!

I want us both to feel sure we're a good fit for working together. Book a free phone consultation today, so we can address any questions you have about your unique situation, and get a sense of whether this course is right for you!


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