About Jem

I am deeply devoted to supporting clients as they transform sexual, relational, and ancestral trauma… to help each person reclaim their True Essence, Radiant Health, Sexual Vitality, and Creative Power — to live their fullest potential empowered by Love from Within.

— Dr. Jem Minor, Daoist Sacred Embodiment Facilitator, 
[email protected]

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Welcome! I'm glad you're here!

I'm Jem, and I'm a licensed Acupuncturist, Herbalist, Alchemical Life Coach, Feminine Power Facilitator (pending final certification), Healing Tao Instructor of Internal Alchemy Meditation & Qi Gong, and co-author of the bestselling book Awakening: Meet the Women Birthing a New Earth.

I’m also happy to be the mother of a very loving, exuberant son (born at home in 2014), and a powerful daughter (born late in 2020) — and my partner and I love supporting other parents in finding new ways to help their families thrive.

I have successfully used Chinese Medicine, Daoist Alchemy, sacred sexual cultivation, dance, qi gong, and somatic practices to renegotiate my relationship with the various traumas stored in my body (from long-term early sexual abuse, rape, pregnancy loss, childbirth, and intergenerational trauma), to live a healthy, radiant, fulfilled life, comfortable in my Wholeness.

I am passionate about sharing these practices with women (like You!) who are ready to empower themselves in their own healing, in a culture ripe for change.

My vision is to co-create a world in which all people have the support we need to transform sexual, relational, and ancestral trauma, so we can live in the radiant Wholeness of our sacred embodiment, and bring our unique gifts to the world, empowered by Love from Within.

Because when we deeply love, listen to, and care for ourselves, fulfilling our mission and purpose in the world becomes sustainable, and empowers others to live in alignment with their Hearts, Minds, and Essences, too.

The more sustainably well-nourished our individual lives become, the easier it is to co-create families and communities in which we all can thrive with freedom, safety, and mutual respect!

I am committed to eradicating the stigma and shame of sexual trauma, and to walking the path of healing, spiritual awakening, and self-actualization with women who are ready to reclaim their full vitality, activate their Essence, and live in their empowered, authentic Wholeness.

Learn More about Jem's Services and Specialties

Dr. Jennifer (Jem) Minor


Doctor of Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine

Master of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine

Licensed Acupuncturist

Faculty Member of Daoist Traditions College

Healing Tao Qi Gong Instructor

Feminine Power Facilitator

Master Alchemy Practitioner

My Story

My journey with Chinese Medicine began in 1996, with the practice of Tai Chi every morning at my small Socratic seminar school in Anchorage, Alaska. This unique secondary schooling experience emphasized the importance of self-inquiry, self-cultivation, and thoughtful dialogue about classical texts in our modern world.

This early whole-body engagement and exploration of the interweaving energies of every aspect of life has continued to inform my personal development and passionate work in the world.  

An Alaskan upbringing with ample time in the wilderness led me to explore wild plants as food and medicine at an early age.  That early passion for plants inspired further study of Western herbal medicine, and continued into studying Chinese herbal medicine in acupuncture school and beyond. 

A back injury (sustained on the crew team during my senior year at Mount Holyoke College) brought me into physical pain in a way that reactivated memories of early sexual trauma, and radically shifted my life path.

I spent three months in immobilizing physical and emotional pain, until taking a class about the Chinese Five Elements with Leta Herman (now of Alchemy Healing Center in Northampton MA).

After five different doctors had done nothing substantial to shift my physical back pain, working with Leta cleared the physical and emotional pain all at once within two weeks, including a 5-hour Ghost Point treatment. I knew then that this is the work I was meant to do!  

Leta sent me to Asheville NC to study at Daoist Traditions College of Chinese Medical Arts, founded by top students of Jeffrey Yuen, an 88th-generation Daoist priest. I graduated, traveled to China, and became licensed to practice in North Carolina in 2012.

Since then, I have continued my studies in Chinese medicine, functional nutrition, alternative medicine, bodywork, qi gong, trauma healing, herbal medicine, alchemy, meditation, and transformational coaching and facilitation.

My most influential teachers include (in no particular order): Mother Nature, Jeffrey Yuen, Minke de Vos, Karin Sorvik, Michael Winn, David Wei, Rick Wilkes, Jeannie Zandi, Dr. Peter Levine, Jampa Stewart, Leta Herman, Jaye McElroy, Dr. Claire Zammit, Carrie Contey, Thea Elijah, Peter and Joanne Shea, Josephine Spilka, Margot Rossi, Lorie Eve Dechar, Kevin Holthaus, Sifu Chin Tsou, and Dr. Aviva Romm, as well as numerous other healers, qi gong practitioners, acupuncturists, colleagues, and clients. And, of course, my son (born at home in 2014) and my daughter, are amazing teachers of Presence, Resilience, Patience, and Authenticity — every single day!

Learn More About Jem's Services


My heart is weeping with love and gratitude for this treatment... in a lying on holy ground kind of way...

— S.S., Asheville, NC

Wow, I feel like you just did triage and I can survive my life now. I can go back and be a dad now.

— Anonymous Dad amidst divorce

When I feel into my sessions with Jem, I feel some pretty extraordinary things like: “her sessions saved my life,” “these sessions are the best thing that’s ever happened to me,” and “meeting and working with Jem as a healing practitioner is my destiny.”

And outrageous as all that sounds - it’s true.

It’s incredible how quickly and fully my whole body can shift after just one hour with her. Jem’s skill, perception and core desire to help open the body to receive qi is on the level of genius. I am certain she was born to do this work. I believe she has cultivated this work throughout many lifetimes, each lifetime sharpening her skill, softening her heart and increasing her knowledge simultaneously with her humility and genuine care.

— Eve Sutherlin, Student & Client since 2018

This morning I felt like I was split open, coming apart at the seams... and now I feel like you sewed me back together again, but there's not even any trace of the stitches — I've simply returned to Wholeness!

— Anonymous

I have been doing qigong daily, with the microcosmic and macrocosmic orbits, and all I can say is Wow! Thanks so much for bringing so many women together and cultivating a deep practice of healing.

— Student of 6-week Intro Course

My main motivation for wanting to do this course was to heal some stuff that was triggered by my kids — in other words, not to be such a b**** to my kids.

I'm so gratefully amazed at how my relationship with them has changed this last month (I am also praying I'm not tempting fate!).

These practices got me exercising more as I felt stronger in my body, eating better, and for now, many of the strong emotions I was experiencing are much less, allowing me to finally act as the mother I know I am meant to be.

Thank you, Jem, from all my heart. I feel like parenting courses, etc, are so important, but without this deep work, it's never really going to be effective. So yes to all parents doing this!

— Shani, "Thriving Beyond Trauma" student

If you’re ready to go to a completely new level of self-love and self-knowledge, within a sacred sister circle, then Jem’s Jade Egg class is for you. Talk about breakthrough!

— Anonymous

It is wildly evident that Jem lives her Alchemy. This makes who she is as a Practitioner not only relatable, it evokes tremendous trust in the process.

— Becky

I loved this [in-person Jade Egg] Course!!! I looked forward to our weekly class with curious enthusiasm; like an exciting secret date with myself!

Jem's kind and steady guidance created a safe container that encouraged me to delve deep. I was very impressed with her graceful way of offering plenty of theory, balanced with really experiencing the practice in class.

Although some of the energies that came up for me were not all pleasant, the course was very supportive throughout my journey. It was incredible to explore this level of intimacy with myself in a small group of women!

There was no question that could not be asked, and Jem answered it with such patient compassion and insightful, as well as practical guidance. Jem can really meet you where you are and will likely encourage you to smile to your body! :) Thank you, Jem!

— Sarah Anne, Black Mountain, NC

I am still deeply deeply deeply(!) with the Stellar Magnificence of Tuesday night’s Egg journey. The magnitude of the shift in perception is beyond… well, is beyond the known limits of my former Beyond.

I’ll just characterize it with this ~ Deliciously juicy FREEDOM! Blessed Be!

— Two-time Student of Intro Course

I am so in love with Qi Gong! Every time I practice, I think about you and your gift of this to me, and it fills me with ever-growing gratitude!

I want to tell you today how grateful I am for the stunning difference Qi Gong makes in my life!
Thank you.

— Anonymous