Letting go of what haunts us Oct 29, 2022

Autumnal blessings, dear ones!

Deepening into the colder part of autumn allows us to reflect on what we’re harvesting from this year, with gratitude for the gifts and lessons — as well as to notice if any unnecessary energies are lingering or “haunting” us… and if...

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Thriving in Uncertain Times: Key Practices Supporting our Family's Well-Being during the Pandemic May 12, 2020

Within the limitations of quarantine, my partner and I have been asking these questions:

What can we experiment with in these uncertain times?

What IS working well?

If something isn’t working, what’s an alternative to try?

We've become all the more observant and appreciative of...

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Bringing our Parts into Right Relationship with our Essential Wholeness Feb 16, 2020

Have you ever felt like you have an internal menagerie of parts of yourself -- with so many competing voices that it's hard to discern which part to listen to? 

You're not alone -- and it actually makes sense, according to multiple psychological and spiritual traditions, including the...

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