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Thriving in Uncertain Times: Key Practices Supporting our Family's Well-Being during the Pandemic

family self-care wellness May 12, 2020

Within the limitations of quarantine, my partner and I have been asking these questions:

What can we experiment with in these uncertain times?

What IS working well?

If something isn’t working, what’s an alternative to try?

We've become all the more observant and appreciative of what IS working in these unusual circumstances — and, more curious and creative about how to meet various needs, individually, as a family, and as part of a larger community.

These are some things that continue to work well for us -- important before, but even more essential now:


  Mindful Media Consumption

This is possibly the most important thing for me, without which I have to work twice as hard to recalibrate!

For me, mindful media consumption means:

~ Choosing to find sources of information that feel balanced, encouraging, thoughtful, compassionate, and not inflammatory… easier said than done these days!

~ Noticing how it feels...

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